The story of our President unfolds between two geographically close but very different urban realities: Rome and San Gemini .
Metropolis and countryside. The hectic capital and the village with slow and marked rhythms. The space and places we frequent give us emotions, enrich us, are our existential theaters from which to draw daily teachings.
This is what happened to Marco Violati during his life, extracting their best characteristics from these two very different contexts. On the one hand, the dynamism, resourcefulness and ambitions typical of the Capitoline character and on the other hand the wisdom, humility and love for traditional values typical of those who lived in a small and large village like San Gemini.
This passionate jumble of values are those that the Bacus Group has assimilated from our President and which it has taken on over the years. We have hardened the flexibility of those who want to question themselves and to enrich themselves with the comparison, orienting towards business objectives and the will to attribute meaning to their actions, keeping constant the tension for continuous learning.
Seeking the urge to open up, to propose, to positively face difficult situations by grasping the positive aspects and opportunities. Animated by a spirit of internationality, aware that the ability to confront and coexist with different cultures and acknowledging the influences of diversified behavior models makes us unequivocally better … and preserving the team spirit even in the most angular moments: being aware that the result is achieved with the integrated effort of all and the resulting satisfactions must be shared.